The first time I heard about art education was in online lecture “Educate not reduce: educational formats in contemporary art“ by Lina Michelkevičė in 2020. The same year I enrolled myself to become a volunter in Baltic Triennal’s educational program. From then, I found myself being involved in art education field more often.
When my sister and I were small, my mom would organise art education activities. She would encourage us to experiment with materials, concepts in order to acquaint us with various forms of arts. The reason of me mentioning this is that I loved those activities as a kid and I felt the same emotions in 2020, when I got connected with art education again. The fondness of it is growing every minute.
Archive of organised workshops / activities
Backstrap weaving workshop | August 2024 | Self-organised | Lithuania (LT)

Two day workshop during which children together explored Nida’s environment while scavenging for materials that were used together with yarns for creating installations | June 2024 | comissioned by alternative educational program “Children’s Plant Library” | Lithuania (LT)

Weaving workshop using cardboard as loom base | May 2024 | conducted for Verpėjos (The Spinners) fundraiser | Lithuania (LT)

Weaving workshop using cardboard as loom base | March 2024 | commissioned by National Gallery of Art | Lithuania (LT)

Basket weaving workshop using weeds and branches | August 2023 | commissioned by Narva Art Residency (NART) | Estonia (EE)

Weaving workshop using everyday objects as looms | August 2023 | commissioned by Narva Art Residency (NART) | Estonia (EE)

Workshop in which teenagers were encouraged to create artworks-games for their playgrounds | July 2023 | commissioned by CAC for summer day camp for teenagers | Lithuania (LT)

Photos by Gabija Šimkutė, Aleksandra Ivanova
Month-long backstrap weaving workshop for beginners (+22 hours) | August 2022 | Self-organised | Lithuania (LT)
The purpose of the workshops was to acquant people with the process of weaving and encourage them to discover a personal connection with the craft.
The participants did everything by themselves accompanied by my care:
from choosing fibers, colours to constructing the loom from scratch, weaving.

Workshop “Navigating through history with quilting and collages ” | July 2022 | Self-organised | Latvia (LV)

Experimental weaving workshop | July 2022 | commissioned by VAA for summer day camp for teenagers | Lithuania (LT)

Collage & embroidery workshop | February 2022 | Self-organised | Lithuania (LT)

Artistic intervention to broaden the understanding of site specific art and how the environment imposes mood | July 2021 | commissioned by CAC for summer day camp for teenagers | Lithuania (LT)